<aside> 💡 Waya Collective is a Crypto Project building the first decentralized production network. We provide Capital, Knowledge and Trust to create local industry owned by the people. Planted in Africa and built on Cardano to grow across the globe.


👉 Why Join Waya as Contributor?

<aside> 🫂 Join us by following this link: https://forms.gle/hPuGiUbYnvztsfxf8 👈


🤝 Join a Network of Equals, not a Hierarchy

Waya is a network-centric organisation (DAO). Being network-centric means, we are void of any unnatural hierarchy and instead focus on technology supported open collaboration. Being a Waya Contributor means you will not get a task assigned to you by another person, but a sponsor will show you around and help you to set up your own project based on your skills and capacity.


Since you will be the leader of your projects, you will ultimately control how and when to work on them. A successful project will enable you to earn Waya tokens. Thus you will be co-owner of the Collective. Leading your project also means building up leadership skills from the first day. If your project is successful, other contributors will join you, and your team will grow naturally! Further, you can use the skills you want to develop to contribute to Waya!

🧵 Base Requirements

🫂 Your Welcoming Process